12 Reasons to Join Positively Asheville

Positively Asheville as viewed through Simon Sinek’s Golden Circle:

Simon Sinkek's Golden Circle

Why: Leaders have questions. Within a peer-to-peer environment, the answers are in the room. Sharing, collaborating, and learning together strengthens relationships. Thus, a cooperative culture can be developed and maintained.

How: Meeting regularly; celebrating the successes of others and ourselves; making valuable connections, reinforcing friendships, gaining focus & clarity, and receiving feedback.

What: We are a collection of leaders of businesses, nonprofits, and clubs who align in the interest of continual improvement, growth, and sustainability.

Positively Asheville’s 12 Points of Purpose:

1: Advance through the experience of others — Positively Asheville functions as a think tank through collaborative meetings and more (Leadership Luncheons and Huddles).

2: Amplify your identity – Build your brand organically through conversation (meetings and events). Enhance it electronically through digital communication and collective advertising (website, calendar, social media, Google ad program, and special events).

3: Forge new relationships — Connect with leaders you otherwise wouldn’t meet. Collaborate professionally for new ideas, feedback, and shared opportunities. (meetings, Leadership Luncheons, Huddles).

4: Solve persistent or perplexing problems — Uncover solutions through insights you discover as you dive deeper and more intentionally into challenges with peers (Leadership Luncheons, Huddles).

5: Make positive progress — Test theories, make better decisions, and take action with confidence through the support of like-minded leaders (monthly meetings, Huddles)

6: Develop your ideas— Share ideas, test theories, propose solutions in a supportive environment of experienced leaders with the experience and credentials to provide useful advice. (meetings, Leadership Luncheons, Huddles).

7: Grow strategically— Planned growth is sustainable growth. Develop a framework for success as you engage in critical thinking with enthusiastic leaders like yourself. (Leadership Luncheons, Huddles).

8: Obtain specialized support— Quarterly leadership luncheons are designed to provide quality learning opportunities that often go unattended due to busy workflow and tight budgets. (Leadership Luncheons).

9: Expand your organization sustainably— Plan your growth through the best practices you obtain from others who’ve journeyed along your path. Grow strong, steadily, and consistently with the support of your peers. (Huddles).

10: Build positive momentum — Amp up your enthusiasm with the encouragement and acknowledgment you receive from respected and accomplished leaders (meetings, Leadership Luncheons, Huddles).

11: Embrace Community — Take part in maintaining the cultural integrity that living and working in Asheville represents (feature stories, meetings, annual events).

12: Be Recognized — Increase local awareness of your business or organizational mission. Let others know what you’re about so they can better support you and celebrate your achievements (feature stories, meetings, annual events). 

Opportunities that are always free:

  • Business and organizational directory listings
  • Guest attendance at monthly meetings