Join the fun on March 11 as we make sawdust for a good cause! Registration deadline: March 3.
You are invited to come to spend a day building your own Little Library Book Exchange. Mount it in your neighborhood or donate to a school or community that needs a book exchange. Come join up to 5 others and work under the supervision of two experienced woodworkers, one being a former shop instructor (both Rotarians). Each participant will take home a library box like the one pictured. The wood-shingled roof will be replaced with asphalt shingles. Yours would be neither painted nor mounted on a post, both of which you’ll supply later. Otherwise, all materials will be provided along with supervised access to the woodshop’s power tools.
- Where? Phil Pratt’s woodshop at 522 Silver Hawk Ln, Weaverville, NC
- When? Saturday, March 11, 2023, from 9:30 – 3:30.
Pizza, salad, and drinks will be provided for lunch - Why? This is a fundraising project for the Asheville Breakfast Rotary Club. Your check will be made to the Asheville Rotary Club Breakfast Foundation payable in advance
- How Much? $300.00 per library box (post and paint or stain additional)
- Concept: Due to the limited space in the woodshop, the participants will be divided into two teams and assigned tasks. All the components will be “manufactured” and then assembled into final projects to take with you
- For more information: Contact Phil Pratt at PPratt@silverhawkassoc.com or Rich Anderson at RichandMarie@aol.com. This opportunity is first come, first served.
- Send an email expressing your interest. Details along with a liability waiver will be sent to you
- The deadline to apply is March 3rd